This post is offered as a discussion topic only and does not represent legal advice. Officers must refer to the laws in their own State as well as their agency's policies, which can be more restrictive on officers than the law requires.
On TV, you have no doubt seen a legal drama where the suspect pleads not guilty by reason of insanity. But does that really happen in the real world? The answer is yes. When a subject does plead not guilty by reason of insanity, incompetent to stand trial or a mentally disordered offender, they are usually sentenced to time in a state hospital or prison. But what happens to those types of criminals when they are released?
They are put on a program from the California Department of State Hospitals known as the Conditional Release Program or CONREP. CONREP was created in 1984 but went into effect in 1986 to protect the communities that these subjects will be released into. According to the Department of State Hospitals' official web page, patients must agree to a court-approved treatment plan.
So, what does this have to do with Law Enforcement? If the subject fails to comply with the treatment plan, they are subject to being returned to the state hospital or other facility. For the safety of the public, the Department of State Hospitals will seek Law Enforcement’s assistance in apprehending and returning the individuals. Most of the representatives will identify themselves as CONREP. So, if someone tells an officer they are from CONREP and they need an officer's help, the officer should take them seriously.
This blog topic serves as a summary of our video lesson on this crucial topic. If you're interested in accessing the full video lesson and additional resources, click the link to register for your free 30-day trial.
The Briefing Room has a short training video available on this exact scenario so agency supervisors can easily train every officer in your agency on this essential topic.
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