This post is offered as a discussion topic only and does not represent legal advice. Officers must refer to the laws in their own State as well as their agency's policies, which can be more restrictive on officers than the law requires.
Scenario: An officer pulls over a vehicle for running a stop sign and speeding. When the officers contact the driver, they ask if he is on probation or parole. He admits he is on parole. The officer conducts a parole search of the vehicle and finds the subject has a firearm.
Was it a violation of his 4th amendment rights for the officer to ask the subject's parole status?
Answer: The 9th Circuit Case United States V. Ramirez from 2024 answers this question. In this case, the court said, “Asking someone about his parole status is substantially similar to running a criminal history check during a traffic stop—a practice that we have held passes muster under the Fourth Amendment. Indeed, a person's criminal history and parole status are inextricably intertwined such that running a criminal history check will, in many jurisdictions, reveal a person's parole status. If anything, parole status may reveal more about potential danger than a criminal background check: a parolee has committed a serious enough crime to warrant prison time and has likely been released recently, while a criminal history check may yield a stale history of minor offenses committed years ago. "
So, when an officer pulls a subject over you can inquire about parole status. If the subject turns out to be on parole, the officer may in turn search them.
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