This post is offered as a discussion topic only and does not represent legal advice. Officers must refer to the laws in their own State as well as their agency's policies, which can be more restrictive on officers than the law requires.
An officer is working in a custody facility and has to move a large number of inmates by themselves.
What precautions for their safety and the safety of the inmates should they take for such a task?
This is not the time to make phone calls or text your significant other. This is a very dangerous time because you could be significantly outnumbered depending on the department's policy on inmate-to-officer ratios.
Some things an officer can do to mitigate the danger are:
1. Walk toward the middle or rear of the inmates, keeping them on the opposite wall from the officer. This will help keep an eye on the whole group.
2. Keep their head on a swivel. Do not get distracted by anything. The officer's eyes and ears should be dedicated to the group of inmates and the area around them.
3. Don’t let the inmates bait the officer into a conversation. Engaging an officer in conversation might be a tactic that's used to distract them from nefarious behavior, including plans to assault the officer or another inmate. Tell inmates to hold their conversation, and you'll speak with them as soon as you arrive at your destination.
4. Officers can Communicate movement throughout the facility. Make sure everyone knows where they are coming from and where they are going and use plain language for places that are not normally described in their everyday movement.
Remember that just because an officer has moved inmates on several other occasions without incident, doesn’t mean they will be safe this time.
This blog topic serves as a summary of our video lesson on this crucial topic. If you're interested in accessing the full video lesson and additional resources, click the link to register for your free 30-day trial.
The Briefing Room has a short training video available on this exact scenario so agency supervisors can easily train every officer in your agency on this essential topic.
90-Second Training Videos Your Supervisors Use During Briefing or Roll Call To Develop High-Performing Teams of Officers.
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